Who Should Attend

LSI is designed for executives with strategic roles in their organizations — leaders motivated to develop their effectiveness and impact.

Who Benefits

LSI most benefits motivated, forward-looking executives committed to exploring their own leadership strengths and weaknesses and building an action plan that will help them accelerate their professional advancement. These professionals benefit by learning how to sharpen their approach to strategic decision making and discovering new strategies to manage team dynamics, improve performance, and drive organizational growth.

Applicants may also wish to explore our complementary program, the Tuck Advanced Management Program, which focuses on the key capabilities that enable senior leaders to drive strategy, innovate, and lead change across complex global organizations. Executives who attend both programs receive a Certificate of Excellence in Advanced Management and Leadership and become alumni affiliates of the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.

LSI for Teams

Many organizations choose to send multiple participants to LSI. The experience allows teams to create a common language and shared framework that connects leadership concepts to action. LSI allows team members to re-frame real-world problems, then accelerate the transfer of their learning back to their organizations, putting new ideas to immediate use. Special team pricing is available. Contact Tuck for details: 603-646-2839 or tuck.exec.ed@dartmouth.edu.

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Learn more about the Tuck Leadership and Strategic Impact Program